Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Know a Person’s Heart

The truth is you can to know a friend from an enemy and how to help people you must know who is inside and why.


Does a man love himself more than another person?
How forgiving is he> Does he seek revenge, try to help or run?
What is the importance of family?
Where does he find happiness?
Where does he find comfort?
What causes shame and how he deals with it?
What causes sadness and misery?
What sacrifices will a person make for another?
What does money mean?
What does materialism mean?
What does simple mean?
Does he know what worldly pleasures are?
Can he define love and its meaning?
What does a man fear most and why?
If it were a man’s last day to love and live how would he spend it and doing what with a perfect body or not?
What does a man take with him and leave behind when he dies that will be for eternity?

No man can run from the truth cause there is nowhere to hide come judgment day, no excuses for anyone, for every man knows what he has done wrong and why and he can not tell a lie, for the heart holds all truth of a man. How many knows the eyes themselves and what all they tell no matter the words spoken? A man isn’t born with all the answers but time reveals all things to those who seek the truth and good in all mankind that God made life for in the beginning.

? What are the 7 Deadly Sins?
According to "tradition" the 7 Deadly Sins are;
Pride =looks up to self thinks he does no wrong, mocho likes to impress to be looked up too and accepted, puts others beneath them thinking they are better than others

Lust =never satisfied, hard to please, wants more than a person needs, no self respect or for others

Anger = caused by not getting what a person wants, makes no sacrifices for others, uses it to put fear in others to get satisfaction, control and power

Covetousness = greed, jealousy, will harm another for self wants and desires, never satisfied with what he has,

Envy = wanting what others have, jealousy, buy to possess things, materialistic

Sloth = lazy, putting self first to let others do for you, not working with God but wanting him to do it all for you like you deserve it

Gluttony= addictions, lack of self control

And, According to the Bible, the 7 things the Lord hates are:
Proverbs 6:16-19
"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him:
haughty eyes,-evil eyes to put fear in people for control and power, uses anger

a lying tongue, -to get what one wants with a lie

hands that shed innocent blood, - kills without a care or stabs people in the heart without a care to human life and feelings

a heart that devises wicked schemes,- mediated evil to harm others for revenge, pain or misery for pleasure

feet that are quick to rush into evil,-doing evil without thoughts for pleasure

a false witness who pours out lies- hypocrits, uses God for money

and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers."- people who get pleasure out of pain caused among others, gossip to destroy lives, lives on others pain and misery


  1. Well done and well said, there can never be enough wisdom related to us except it be by the emotions of those who have felt its impact, the price we pay for learning is high, but the result is seen in your post,

    and well worth the cost

    Michael James Stoen

  2. Thank you my friend. May God Bless You.

  3. Hi, I like your blog very much! I know my blog is a bit OTT, but I mean well, and I know that God will look after us. Bless you!
    Red Squirrel
