Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In Search of True Love and How to Find It

Well seems people want it but so many don’t know where to find it. All people want to be loved but how many return it? To begin with is the Bible, how many folks read it to understand its meaning. Folks go to church, listen to preachers, but the book is meant to be read as well with a meaning for each person. Each person is different, none the same, but inside we are all made up the same, we all have a heart but how many use it, we have a brain but how many think to use it as well. To me the Bible is a book of Love and Forgiveness. It is a choice of good and evil. Happiness can be found in each other and all God gave us. So why do people love misery and evil? What happiness is in it? It is so easy to be happy and live a good life if people choose too.

If you really think about it, God made Adam in his likeness, then all the animals but even God saw Adam was lonely and made Eve. They didn’t have to choose but was chosen for each other. To me they were lucky but even she was tempted. We all make mistakes not knowing the outcome, I am sure if she had known she wouldn’t have listened to the serpent. But then it was too late, damage was already done and you can’t go back in time. It would have been nice to live in a perfect world but one mistake led to more. Even their kids weren’t perfect. We can only do our best and learn from our mistakes, but then how many do, how many actually look at themselves first before putting blame on others. I have often wandered why God let things happen but then we can’t question him, he tells us not too. But our minds do wander.

I myself have been grateful to have God-fearing grandparents who taught me the simple things in life and how to enjoy them. I had an uncle who was paralyzed at 17, who was one of my best friends and another grandmother who showed nothing but kindness. Those are the ones who I looked up to as a child. I saw nothing but good in them. I see good in all people, but then I also see the bad and wander how were they raised. Where was the love they needed? To me love is left out now in so many families, they are so busy working, they want too much in life and never satisfied. What happiness is in materialistic things? Even the Bible says it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven than a poor man, but even in today’s world that isn’t even so. The poor take advantage of the rich now. Money is the root of all evil, so many don’t know how to use it. Some are more blessed than others, but we all can have what we need if we work for it. God takes care of his people who believe and trust in him.

I myself have often wandered why I have had to know so much and feel so much pain in my life when all I wanted was love and the good things in life and to see everyone happy. I have had to raise myself somewhat since I was 4. I was made fun of while growing up cause at one point in my life I was fat and treated different. My mom had a nervous breakdown, why is a mystery, was it religion or just something that she had no control of. She was a good woman but she had her faults too. I don’t remember my mom holding me much or spending much time with me but she was sick. My dad worked hard and without the love of his wife that he so desired made mistakes too. I blamed my mom’s sickness for what my dad done. Said I never do like her or want the things she wanted. She loved her clothes, jewelry but yet she griped and complained about money all the time and always something wrong with her, it was hard to know why she couldn’t be happy. Dad gave that woman everything but you never seen her love him back. He worked in the day and farmed at night. Sunday was a day of rest though.

My dad taught me a man’s work, I guess because he didn’t have a son, but then when you think about it families need to work together, cause it is time together and can be enjoyed. I was driving a tractor at 4 and to me was very exciting, though I looked at my kids at that age and thought my dad had nerves of steel. I must have been riding in his lap for years to get that trust. I remember those days of working in the fields; they are good memories to me. Picking cotton with a sack longer than me, stacking the wood, picking corn throwing it in the trailer was fun to me. I never could throw the hay in the trailer though, but liked stacking it all together thinking I was making it easier for dad and the helpers. If you ask me farming should be part of schooling today, to teach folks how to work, if it wasn’t for farmers how would we eat, where would the clothes come from, it is a necessity of life for all folks to live, none can live without them. Some think they too good to do they stuff, but want others to do it for them, they are no better then anyone else. That is where we got our different classes of people today. But then, been that way for years, guess it started with the kings who had slaves to do their work. Money seems to buy power over people, sad but true and you wander how did that happen. It sure didn’t start out that way. I know I have often wandered the tears God has cried when he wanted nothing but good, if he could start over would he have done different. Even he tried once starting over with Noah, all was destroyed and still look what happened. There was no way to stop evil or get rid of it. It all come back. He saved all the good and still evil returned and to me is worse today than it ever was, how much more can he stand, how does he know when to give up and no hope is left. When is there no love, kindness left in a man’s heart to know when the last one is saved and no more. I would hate to have to make that decision.

I know God is strict in many ways and gets angry seeing others how they treat others. But he gave man a choice. Sometimes I wish we didn’t have that choice but there must be a reason. Why is beyond me and my knowledge. Guess he didn’t want robots with no feelings. I know there are things we do here on earth that we probably want do in Heaven, why sometimes it is hard to know right from wrong. He says no marriages in Heaven, so the songs we listen to now on earth that has meaning to us want be there, no kids to be born, I have often wandered what we are going to do there, but he says it is a place of no more sorrow and only happiness. Sometimes I think of sitting by a lake with all the animals, all the beauties God has give us just relaxing. As a kid I could only imagine how wonderful being an angel with wings playing a harp would be, flying around, I do have an imagination that I use to find peace, think we all do but some don’t use it. Hard to imagine what we do there. But we know it will be only love, kindness and no more tears. We can have somewhat of Heaven on earth if people would work together in only wanting to see others happy, all it takes is love. It is sad to know some aren’t going to make it and sometimes even I fear of messing up and not making it, wandering how strict is he. But then I think we are only human, we all make mistakes, I can only believe he forgives us and knows our hearts. Some don’t use their hearts, they feel no guilt and you wander how do they live with themselves. How can they hurt people and not feel nothing, to me isn’t human. Some don’t believe in God but we all came from somewhere and to me, I had rather live like there is a God than not too. If there was no God then where did we come from, we could all do evil and not care, could you imagine a world full of evil, I wouldn’t want to live at all.

One thing is when you are a child you don’t know nothing but good, you teach your kids right from wrong, some folks too busy not taking time to teach, just discipline or they don’t care and let them do wrong, but God gave us the plan and knowledge to use for those who take the time. Kids will learn more from listening to you than anything else. And you do have to live it as well or what is the use of teaching it. Everything God has given us can be used for good or evil, it is how we use it. Think of Noah and drinking, some say it is wrong to drink, he only got spoken of when his kids caught him naked. So to me it is how you use it, some can, some can’t, some it changes, it is knowing your own limitations and not abusing it. Some alcoholics give reason for Noah drinking to make it ok, but they use the Bible to make a wrong a right not knowing how too. They turn the words around to satisfy themselves for what they do.

The teens years are the years we all go out and explore, when we need our parents to really be there for us and understand us, we have to live among all kinds of people then and those are the trying years of what makes a person. We have to learn to live among them all and love them, but how do you fit in. I tried things as a teen to fit in, didn’t think much about it at first, it was all new to me, then I seen the wrong in it. Then I realized I didn’t have to do the things they done to fit in, just be myself and treat them with kindness, all any man wants from anybody. Had a guilty conscious, one I am thankful for cause without it I could do evil and not care. One mistake I guess I have lived with is smoking, but then I wander why God made tobacco, I don’t think it was originally bad but the stuff man added to it made it bad. I don’t want others smoking like me, but it does keep me calm and I can think of things much worse I could be doing that I don’t. I had strict parents who wanted me to stay away from all evil to protect me but you still going to make mistakes sooner or later no matter what. To me is better to find out early in life than later in life, why I never was too strict with my kids, always open and discussing things. You can’t hide the world from your kids to protect them, it is impossible. I let them make mistakes so I could teach them right from wrong and they still had someone home to love them. Only one person to condemn us and that is God, we as parents are to teach but also let them have a choice, not to put a leash on them. Once they grown they are on their own, you need to be their best friend or who they going to turn to when times are bad and they need someone. Life is hard enough and we all need someone to love us even when we do wrong.

I myself am a believer in God and his word. Never thought it be so hard to find a partner for life. I thought all you had to do was love someone, thinking everyone just needed love. That has got to be one of the hardest decisions in life a man can make. People have forgot what love truly is. God tells us what a woman and man is to do for each other but wish he had told us how to find the one and only. That has took me years to learn. Also caused me much pain, sorrow, humiliation and shame. I am old fashioned and I always will be when it comes to marriage and love. Today’s world has become more like Sodom and Gomorrah to me, sex, money and pleasing only self. How do you find love in a world like today?

Dating isn’t easy or it wasn’t for me. If you didn’t have sex with a guy he would go somewhere else to find it. Reason I broke up with some guys or never got asked out again was because I was one who wanted to wait till my honeymoon.

Well I spent along time searching all my feelings, watching marriages fail, seeing both sides how they treated each other and what was missing that they didn’t have and some live that way cause of a commitment which is good if they can cause I never could find that out in words in the Bible to understand the perfect match. Just knew Adam and Eve were the luckiest even with their problems.

He gives us reasons of failure and how a woman and man married is to treat each other. He is very much against divorce too, which I know I have to answer to someday and can only hope he knows why and I am human, cause I know he knows the truth and I let him give me the answers to mine to divorce or not, the only way I knew how, I let him choose mine. Once with my own eyes and once I fought with his words to fight the devil and well God took care of things for me and I kept second guessing till he let me know I done my best to walk away, that my life mattered to others and he needed me, you can’t change people, just feel sorry for them, but God don’t want us to hurt forever on earth, he don’t do that, he says he want let us take no more than we can handle, he don’t like abuse. But I made sure I learned this time if I found someone never to be a failure again. Love has to be both ways not one. You can’t feel sorry for someone thinking you can love them and love be returned the same. It don’t happen.

. Well I tell folks if you take God’s love for granted it grows cold, never take love for granted and it want grow cold. Why stop loving, it is suppose to get better not worse. Life is what you want it to be. To me it is easy to be happy, people make it hard.

I can tell you what I have learned in my lifetime cause I stopped to think what life on earth was for. Why did God make us?

I really don’t know if I have the answer why he made us knowing he himself tried to get rid of evil and it kept coming back. Just once he made us he couldn’t get rid of us cause he loved us, there was always one good man who loved him back.

What have I learned about people is some love misery and want others to enjoy it with them. Some love money and what it buys. Some love self and don’t care what happens to others as long as they get what they want. Some look for something wrong with them all the time just to make others feel sorry for them, they love pity. Some look at the things in the world that are evil to find pleasures cause the devil can do that and make it look good when people don’t use their hearts and no love in them. Some do drugs to escape life. Some drink to escape life too. They had rather escape than face the real world cause they don’t know love or where to find it. What happen to love for another human being?

I am here to tell you if we love people like we want to be loved back this world wouldn’t be in the shape it is now. So many people don’t use their hearts anymore. God only wants man to love each other and be happy, he didn’t make life hard, people did when they quit using their hearts.

Marriages going bad now like no other time in life. People are being traded in like used cars. I used to blame women for it but not anymore. Both, I looked at to see myself who is at fault. Women got their faults, yes I am going to tell you what I see of both cause the truth hurts no one. Women like jewelry, clothes, fine things in life, money, they want their way, they use their bodies to get what they want. Men buy them things to get what they want. Sex is used wrong these days. People don’t know the meaning of it. Porn, Internet, doctors all trying to make things pleasurable, desires, lust, sex changes, multiple partners, drugs. Get real do you really think God made us to do that? I know things here on earth are different but sex is evil, making love is beautiful and suppose to only be shared by 2. We aren’t animals. First thing a person should know is the difference in sex and making love if you want the real thing. Making love is better than any sex a man can have any day. Too many don’t know how cause their hearts aren’t in it. Men pressure women for it too, if you don’t they walk away or keep pressuring you for it, my husbands had me convinced it was a pain that I had to relieve, so took me along time to know the difference, all I knew was God said not to let a man suffer. Makes dating hard these days, especially when you aren’t a virgin no more, that seems to have left with days of old, very few ever marry that way. Think of all the sexual diseases today, God put them there for a reason and still they play Russian roulette with it. Some curable and some not.

Making love should be a natural thing on both, never used to prove anything, it is to be enjoyed if both are able too, but also be able to do without if one can’t and still know how to show it in other ways. It should all be natural. The proof is in the heart and how you use it. Too many ways to make love. Use your heart and it will give you all you need to know to enjoy it, it is a mixture of seriousness and you can put a sense of humor in it too, to give it a spice of life but always use the heart. It isn’t a tool either with a clock. It should be spontaneous, no time limits, not made to do to please someone. A man or woman has self control and knows when the time is there but so many together now without love they don’t know the meaning of it no more or when too. Women use excuses till they are ready and men wait till they give in. Some do without and sleep in separate bedrooms but not happy. Men get upset at women and go elsewhere and women do too, some don’t like the same stuff. Let me tell you making love is never the same if you do it right, it is expressions of love, emotions and feeling we use, has to do with the mood you in too on how you go about it. Let me tell you if you love music never leave it out unless you making music in your heart or somewhere without it, you can get caught up in the moment without it but it does have an effect or does for some. It just adds more romance to it and more. I can only believe music is on earth for a reason. Like I said no marriages in Heaven so life here is different, no kids there either.

Now friendship and loneliness, that is the hardest one in finding true love. How to know the difference? That to me was my biggest problem. I know loneliness to well, think we all do so no need to explain that one, though hermits seem to enjoy it. I hate it. A spouse should be your best friend. Define best friend, someone you can tell anything to and not get mad at you even if you are at fault or wrong, someone who doesn’t judge you, someone who lets you love others and knows where your heart is so no jealousy cause love is a stepladder, we all one big family on earth. Being able to express opinions and not get angry, everyone has one. To be able to be yourself and not have to hide or stop to please someone, they should love you for who you are to find happiness in you as you should in them. That should be the happiness as if you were on a deserted island and no one else around, never bored but always happy with only each other and nothing of this world, cause it can come and go with a fire, wind, bankruptcy, loss of work, you can’t control the unexpected and worldly pleasures are man made, nature has everything a man can want and use. Power and money has even taken a lot from folks to suffer, don’t blame God cause he gave man control and a choice, he cries and gets angry too for good reasons.

Sharing responsibilities but not letting one do it all alone, it is to be done without thought but a natural thing in life. Life takes care of self if people let it knowing their priorities, it isn’t a chore. Work together and all gets done, don’t be lazy or someday when you least expect it that body don’t move and you can only blame yourself for not using it, only those disabled have reasons and can only wish they could move. Age does have effects but all things are possible for those who don’t give up. To me working together is just more time together to enjoy life, get things done to enjoy life, isn’t that what life is for. Best friend for life is what you looking for, who never lets you down, there to support you no matter what happens in life, to love you, it isn’t a self love but love of another person who you would die for that is how close you should be. Never wanting to hurt each other for no reason at all. That person should be your life and what you live for, your lives revolve around each other to be the happiest couple on earth that no man can come between, not even kids. Kids know how to use parents, but the Bible does say they leave home to have a life and we know how to love them too, it is a built in protection for them we have or suppose too some don’t do that now.

Speaking of kids for the moment, what happened to parents? Why do they have kids now? Some treat them like possessions or burdens of life. Some have them for money to get a paycheck. I know Cain and Able to see it in all families. The difference of kids. They just individuals with your genes and the ones of the one you chose to have one with, no one is perfect, so love them with the good and bad in them. You are to be role models for them, don’t expect them to follow rules if you aren’t living them yourself. They do watch and listen, like I have learned to do myself to figure people out and what happiness they find in life. I would love to ring some folks necks how they treat kids today. Abuse is terrible and not loving them, which is worse? They want to get rid of them too, so I wander why do some have them, there are ways man has made to know how not too and even we know how to stop it naturally. I treat mine like they are my best friends, they are human, I had mine to love them and to me the more people together the more fun you have cause you can’t make love all the time and time with family is precious to enjoy but don’t abuse it either, share time. Food, fun, laughter, entertainment, talk, silly moments of life. Kids say the darnedest things, even adults do too. Too many things in life to enjoy with people, at least if you can’t find friends you have your kids as friends, to me why we have them. Don’t be a ruler, be a lover. Teach them right from wrong, but let them be themselves to choose, you aren’t God and even he gave us a choice. If you love them and teach them right they will remember and have a guilty conscious to know the difference. That is all you should want and for them to be happy. They all you got when you get old and need help yourself when no one else cares, some folks don’t have kids, so remember those too if you have the time. Love them, you are all they have when they get into trouble and sometimes we have to show them in ways they don’t understand to help them, but they remember that too, if you cry yourself to help them it is ok, cause they can cause you pain at times, don’t give into their wrong doings to make them happy if they try to use you, just teach them the best you know how, they know the difference if you teach with love.

Looks, yes it matters. Define looks though. Beauty is within. A picture is only a picture, it ages, gets old, and damaged. When you find the person of your dreams no one else compares. Your spouse is the most handsome or beautiful person in the world to you and no one else can compare. They have eyes that make you melt, a smile that brings you joy, you find no faults in them. I can tell you lust is what most see. They don’t see inside, why so many can’t keep their eyes in their heads. Yes, people are to be seen as a picture of beauty not as having sex with, but you will know the difference. I have told folks you could put the most handsome man in front of me and his heart would make him the ugliest man in the world. I had rather have a half a man with a heart than a full man with none.

Companionship. It goes with loneliness and friendship. To feel the emptiness inside that we all know so well. Never to be lonely. A companion for life. I only wish we never have to part in death. I want to fly away together, not to be left alone no more, it is the only time we should be sad that man has no choice of, but we know if our hearts right we can join them later. You should see each other as an angel, a gift of God. How many feel that way about each other today? Make all the memories you can while living to get you thru till the end. Memories are for reasons, good ones to last a lifetime.

So define true love, it is a lover, companion, best friend, where 2 hearts are connected by God that no man can come between. No jealousy, no self pleasing but finding happiness in each other that lasts a lifetime. Pray for the one you want and let time take care of it, cause sometimes when we try to do things ourselves we mess up. I can’t promise people will wait, cause some give up or don’t know what they looking for, search your hearts and what you want to find someone like yourself. Opposites only attract cause we male and female, think what confused folks. You can’t change folks with love either, I tried but let them do what they want till they hurt me too many times and I had to get away, I didn’t have the answers then.

You know my answers have come from believing in God and his word asking him to show me. For you preachers and church goers. Look at yourselves too. True love is more than 2 people in love for life. True love of friends don’t hurt each other. True love of God fearing people where are they today?

Can you feel sorry for God? I do. He watches everything, he sees it all, no man can hide from him and what he does. He watches every single moment, torture of others and who is there for him, do you care how he feels? He has angels as his helpers. I see a lot of people as angels on earth. I love that song by Alabama angels walk among us, it has true meaning. Think when you down, someone calls you that cares, you smile at someone to make their day better, it don’t take much, a smile should be contagious, be kind, be nice to someone, you never know what is going on their life that just being kind gives them hope.

I am here to tell you preachers, how many of you preaching the truth today and for what? You have no right to condemn no one, God taught us to love and forgive, wrote the 10 commandments for us to obey to do our best to keep them, 10 rules seems like a lot but gets to the point. Bible kept being wrote cause people couldn’t do it, they couldn’t follow 10 rules. How many rules does the government got for us to live by? Preaching for money and what people want to hear isn’t doing your job. I know why folks not in church too. I have talked to them. Some of you church goers go to be looked at and looked up too as do some preachers, how many people would you take home with you to enjoy and help them and see them as equal not beneath you. Church is only as good as the people in them. Some you can’t even call a church anymore and I wander why they still standing. I have heard cussing inside a church, anger, jealousy, haters of others, bickering, back stabbing, people pointing out others faults, how you expect to teach love there if it isn’t being shown. Thank God there is a good man in each one of them. I believe church is anywhere 2 or more are together doing what God’s Bible told us to do, love, forgive, treat each other as you want to be treated yourself, doing for others, teaching his love, showing it, don’t hide it, it is not shameful to love and tell of his love and I have found no day to do it but everyday of our lives. Bible doesn’t say what day specifically that I have found.

Folks today don’t read the Bible much at all. They call church goers hypocrites and I know why cause they aren’t living it, but using it to do what they want to in life, some go to church on Sunday and doing the same as the ones that aren’t going. They use God and his love, I see too many doing that now and God will end things when he can’t take no more. People will cause the end. Think, do you like your love being used and taken advantage of and forgiveness. I don’t think so. So why do you use him that way? He is loving and forgiving to those who mean it, but not to be used to do evil and make it ok, it don’t work that way. God uses all of us for a reason, we all have a purpose in life. We are born without sin, we know sin when we grow up to choose and we mess up, but we suppose to learn from our mistakes not keep doing them. We are human with a battle everyday of good and evil. We all know in our hearts when we do bad and hurt others, revenge isn’t the answer either, neither is anger, it only kindles the fire.

You know the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy. How many of you that preach no work on Sunday go out to eat, go shopping? Isn’t that work, someone is doing for you so you don’t have too? What about the elders, do they not need no one to take care of them on Sundays? The police, the hospitals, what if no one was there and you needed them? So explain that one please. Could it be to take time in our hectic lives to thank God for all he has done for us, we forget to thank him and some take it for granted that he knows and we say nothing at all, don’t do that. Our world is different today than when the Bible was written, but the word was wrote with meaning for each person to live, it is the only way to live for those who want love, happiness and that believe that is all he made us for. He said not to change the words and some do to satisfy their own wrong doings. It is plain and simple for those who don’t make it hard. The easiest life any man can live that knows love in his heart. God gave us Jesus to show us how to live, even he needed someone to baptize him like we do. He only loved people to be hurt by people, crucified for us and he done nothing wrong. If you can only try to live like he did, you are doing your best, cause we are human and make mistakes. People will believe in him if they see him in you. Evil folks don’t know love, the devil be laughing and they be tortured someday themselves. Fact and who is to blame where you end up, no one but self.

My way to look at life everyday, love, be happy, smile at least once a day it feels so good and if it hurts you are having the best time of your life, think about laughing so hard you cry, that is the kind of hurt that is good. Thank God everyday for all the good in your life. Remember what in life should be contagious that makes you feel good. Never give up hope on people, give them reasons for living. Always think positive. If I could teach the devil to love I would be doing good, cause then we would have our perfect world back again. If I make him mad I don’t care, cause he don’t care about us, he is the only one I want to make mad just wish I could convert him to love. Remember love is the key to all happiness, lock it in your heart and never loose it. It only comes thru God.

For those of you already married, I got advice for you, I am firm on commitments and do your best to hold them together if possible, but I know from my own experience a person can only take so much and I even asked God how much did he want me to suffer for a commitment with no love in it, did my life matter or was I to sacrifice love for another person who didn’t love me back, hardest question and answer to find out for yourself. It took me a lot of guts to talk, but where I started, words to tell a person how I felt to know what he was doing to me to get the truth. He knew, yes a person knows when they hurt you and the reasons for it. They hope you don’t know and don’t care to live with it. It is a man’s choice to suffer or not for another man cause you love them, but God sees all things and knows our hearts, he does forgive us. If you really love each other, be there for each other, talk, rekindle the fire with baby steps. It don’t happen overnight and it takes 2 people working together. Find things that make both happy to enjoy life together. Romance is a major part of love, it can be found in music, candlelight, baths, nature, a touch, eyes, talk with your hearts, use every feeling, emotions that God gave us, use your soul, mind and body, they work together. Food is very enjoyable too, we all like it, makes everyone happy. I also have a sense of humor and I can only believe God knows how to laugh too. Though I don’t know if he has time with all the bad things he sees, but I hope he finds time too, if not he has along time to wait cause we been here along time.

You know my daughter is 12 and she told me I need to be a counselor. Told her I had no degree, she said I had all the experience. She said for me to go to school to counsel kids they need me, told her I couldn’t, she said for me to be a marriage counselor, told her I was too old to go back to school and besides I don’t know how to charge for helping those I love. Why my job don’t make me a lot of money but has helped me to survive, I work on computers just to get by for now, I do house calls, I have met a lot of people that way, my job found meaning to me and others, I have talked to all walks of life and learned from each one of them, I see the good in each one of them, but some I can’t help but I still enjoy them for who they are, I never give up hope. Some say I don’t charge enough, but I don’t know how to put a price on friendship, so I charge only what I think my work is worth. Even computer people don’t like my prices but I am here for the poor too, not to make money off of them, I only need money to get me by, it is something we all have to have, use it wisely. Computers can be good for those who have no one to talk too, it is how you use one. It has its purpose here.

Priceless, love is priceless can’t no man buy it, many things in life are free that are priceless. Precious moments you remember for a lifetime, too many to name. Use your heart and brain to stop and think, how many have? Only speak words of love, think before you speak if at all possible, that seems to be hard for folks to do. You can’t take back what you say and people don’t forget, but they do forgive. Honesty is the best policy even if it hurts. If you can’t speak good words keep your mouth shut, but I know some folks can’t, so forgive them and remember they human, we all make mistakes. Some things we keep to ourselves that go to our graves, but you know God knows everything, sees everything, you can’t hide from him. I am not perfect, don’t claim to be, I am a human being with feelings like everyone else. God did give me a brain and a heart to use it, knowledge comes from learning. You can use it or throw it away, your choice. Love is born in us, some throw it away and don’t use it. It should be used for good everyday. My advice is free for those who want it, I don’t always give answers, but I tell folks to look at self first before putting blame on others, it is all in knowing how to talk to folks to get your point across so they understand. We are one big family on earth for each other. Find happiness in all things in life, it is all around you, even the blind can see that, they feel just like everyone else.

You know I cried writing this book, it teaches me too. It was wrote with all my feelings and emotions. The best love song. When you Say Nothing At All by Allison Krause. It will make you cry eventually if you love and feel it. A good feeling. I can see this song in so many ways. God speaks to us thru our heart too. Alabama Angels Walk Among Us, I believe. I cried feeling sorry for God too, I want to help him, he has too much work, when does he get to rest and enjoy life. Second chances how many do we have? Time stops for no man. Live everyday like your last.

Here is a song I wrote back in the 80’s, inspired by a friend who has gone on, dedicated to my granddaddy a preacher man. I can’t sing but that don’t matter it is the words that count.

That Glorious Day

My Heavenly home is up in Glory. Soon the angels will gather us home. There’s the gates of pearl, the streets of gold, the walls of jasper and all the beauties that never were told. There’s Abraham and Moses, James, John and Peter and all the ones we’ve all read about. We’ll join them in Heaven forever. What a Glorious Day that will be.

What a Glorious Day that will be, when we all gather round our Father’s throne. We’ll sing praises and honor to our Heavenly Father. What a Glorious Day that will be.

I’ve got a mansion in Heaven that no man can ever tear down. It’s beauties will be everlasting, for they were made by God’s hands. There’ll be mother and daddy, brothers and sisters and all my loved ones gathered round. We’ll join them forever in Heaven. What a Glorious Day that will be.

What a Glorious Day that will be when we all gather round our Father’s throne. We’ll sing praises and honor to our Heavenly Father. What a Glorious Day that will be.

I never was a writer of anything, never did know what to say, so I never sent mail. I did learn to email to talk to my family and friends to keep in touch, but at each others own time we read, not to interfere with life and family. We are suppose to love and spend time with each other, share your time. Email is a choice of some, read it or delete it. Some email good, some not. There is a phone too for those who want to hear your voice, just say hello and find something in life good to share, only takes a moment to say I love you, takes a lifetime for some to understand it.

I am not perfect, we don’t speak or use grammar to be perfect but to be understood. Look past my mistakes to see the truth. Thanks to all my friends who were there for me, I love each and everyone of you. Each person I meet in my life has a reason to me, even if I never see them. You know I have fun sometimes talking to telemarketers, depends on if I have the time> LOL They just doing a job to survive themselves. Some are cruel though, they walk among us cruel folks that is, be kind to them, they can’t stand it. You know I can talk now, if folks don’t like what I say, I can tell them I am crazy and get by with it, but everyone who knows me loves me for who I am and that is all that matters to me. Don’t forget to listen to music. It feels so good. Remember life here different than Heaven, it isn’t the clothes you wear, your makeup, how much money you have, your looks, but it is how you treat people, how you love, what you do with your life he gave you, we had no choice of being born but we have a choice where we end up. You aren’t taking nothing with you but you, try to take others with you only if you want to go to a good place.

Think can you do this, love as God loves us, teach as God teaches us, cause his book showed us evil and good to know we are going to make mistakes. Forgive as he forgives us but never use love for your advantage. We are his children and he is our Father. It is your choice how you want to live. Why do folks want to hurt each other when no love is in it? God didn’t make us to hurt others but gave us a choice to love each other which to me is easy and others is hard for them to do and I can only ask why? I will never know why God put the tree in the Garden of Eden but he does or did he, why he warned them, maybe he didn’t put it there, but ask people to look at themselves to choose Heaven on Earth if they want it. Only reason I could come up with, the devil was an angel once and God was in hopes no man he made would be like the devil or want his ways, but the devil has his own powers as well. God knew no evil cause it wasn’t in him. Gave them all they could want and asked them not to eat it, a perfect life they had. Temptations as Eve had we all have everyday, do you see them, they are in self and what you want in life. We all have to work together not against each other to please self. True happiness is found in each other not in self. Self should be pleased in seeing others happy for all the right reasons. God give us all we needed to be happy and people too blind to see it. He only wants the good for us cause his love is pure. I wish I could believe that the evil ones life just ended not to suffer no more themselves and the good ones life went on, like a reward for living for him. Who knows maybe it will be, but I know what I read in the Bible is torture for evil in this life, that is the way I read it and I am doing my best to avoid going to hell if at all possible. Never take getting to Heaven for granted but do your best to get there.

I myself don’t want to be no preacher for that is a man’s job to me, and he has more than self to worry about come judgment day. I want to be a teacher of love, which is something we all should want to do. To teach you have to live it and show it or how can you teach it. Love you all my brothers and sisters of all kinds we are. Love all or the love is not in you. God loves us all for he made us all. Who do you want to spend eternity with the devil or God? It is your choice. Atheists and devil worshipers among us, what life do you really think you will have when this one ends, I am sure you would love to get rid of us all for what love is in you, what happiness do you find? Think about it when you hurt others you are no better than they are so why do you do it? Think of what you do and why you do it, think before you speak, treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. I know for some that is hard and takes a lot of guts but all you need to do is love.

Trust in God and you will have all the strength you need to do it, even when you think you can’t, don’t be ashamed to ask him for help cause he is the only one that will never let you down or hurt you, you can count on that. We can’t see him but he is always there for us even when we are alone and others hurt us. I hid in my home with no one to help me but him. Yes, I had friends and family that cared to call me, that wanted to help me, I didn’t want no one to feel sorry for me, cause I only want to see mankind happy and feeling sorry for me I couldn’t see no happiness in it. I didn’t want to be the reason to make someone sad seeing me. I hid till I got better to do as he wants me to do, as I have done my best in life to do, show love, it isn’t to be hidden. I can only believe that my time alone with God is where I got my answers to share with the world that I can only do in a book that can travel where I can’t, around the world for others to read it is one thing. to live it is another, your choice for those who read it. I choose to love and do my best to do it. I questioned God and wanted to hear him speak, never blame him for what happens, stop before you do, I had to stop before I did, to think what we were made for. He just wanted more people to love, a bigger family, never meant no harm in doing that. The only thing I know he was thinking when he made us was the love for another man, cause there is no evil in him. I can only believe he cries as we do when we don’t love each other. To me love comes easy, but to some is hard. Why? I can only believe God ask why people throw it away, no happiness in hate or evil, so why do you do it for those who do? Love is the key to all answers a man can ask, what is it, you know that answer. God give us all knowledge of it, common sense.

You know if you think about it, man hasn’t always had the Bible to go by. When was it first printed? Did they find it all to put in there, they still finding things. Was anything left out, words not able to read, how was it translated for all man to understand it, cause there are parts that confuse me, no man knows everything but God. Why did he quit writing it? My opinion, it told all a man needed to know about love, there was no more explanations of how to love each other as human beings should, a stepladder of love he told us. The evil kept changing and still does never ending, what can he do to stop it when all the punishments he tried never did. Punishment for all sin is death, we all going to die someday, because none can live a perfect life. I pray that all choose happiness and love, but I can’t make no one want it, it is a choice in how you want to live.

My book should show you how to find all the happiness and love a man could want if he chooses so to live it, even how to choose the right partner for life that I wish I had known sooner. Not to settle for the wrong one thinking love would change a man when it does not, for God loves us all and we still do wrong, knowing right from wrong, some things takes time in learning. Learn from your mistakes not to do them again is all he ask of us. I have written you my faults, who I am, what I have lived to learn, so maybe you want make the same mistakes I have, but learn from mine to have a better life yourself. Knowledge comes from experience, learning and searching the truth. Search and you shall find the truth. God reveals all to a man that wants it.

I can’t guarantee no man nothing but do your best in using what I have learned to have Heaven on Earth and use the Bible, hoping the unexpected never happens to you. We don’t ask for people to hurt us, but it happens and always will. If you choose the right partner in life it is so much easier. Try to find someone like yourself as I have told you, so you can share the same happiness and love. Many things you need to ask before you say I do, why I described how you should feel for each other if you know love at all. I prayed this time for God to choose for me not knowing if I was worthy of another. First mistake I made in choosing the right one for life, not praying for one. Question each other how you feel when together and you can see the truth, you can’t make it happen, but God can connect the hearts as one and you can feel it, I did my best to describe it to you. Don’t assume anything but talk to each other. Do your best to make sure it is felt between the both of you or you be doing it all alone. I even told you how to love all mankind, reward is the love returned if it is in a man and knows how. Never stop loving there is no reward in not loving that is anygood. Love even your enemies as God told us, for even they need to be showed love too in hopes they will see it and want it too, why we who know love will suffer for another human being and not hurt someone else but we do defend ourselves only when we have too. Why I feel sorry for those at war, they don’t want to kill no one, but doing it to protect the innocent and give them freedom that has been taken away by a man. Even God has took up for me when I couldn’t do it myself. Remember we all going to have good times and bad times, that is life. Life is never perfect, like us not perfect, but if you look at all the good and not the bad you can make life what you want of it.

Never leave God out of your life. God Bless each and everyone who reads this. You choose the life you want. America has more freedom than any other country, pray for those that a man rules, cause their choices in life are limited. God’s love is free and even he sent his son to prove it and he was killed by man. Love is priceless. You know yourself that is true. So many that need help in so many ways. Our government has messed up in who they help and who they don’t. We have people starving, on the streets homeless, teens that need help with parents that don’t care, sick with no insurance, killings everyday, jobs going elsewhere and much more. Even our government will help others before they help their own, sad but true. Think of the chip they want us all to have now in our skin, our freedom is going and it is all over the world. God Bless each of you.

July 18, 2007 dedicated to God who I believe in that all things are possible.

Written by a person who cares about mankind and all that is in it. Did my book make you stop and see yourself and think about life? Then I accomplished something. I love you. Those words have meaning to all mankind, it is knowing the meaning of it and who you are speaking too, as a friend, family, husband, and all mankind. Even remember to say God I love you and mean it when you say it or it is only words with no meaning.

Written by Carolyn Clark

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